As many have before me, when I entered the medical profession, I made a commitment to live my life in the service of humanity. I listened to my patients, helped identify the root cause of their illnesses and worked on a holistic plan to put them on the path to an abundance of health.

I have received no greater reward over the course of my career than to play a part in an often dramatic change in the quality of my patients’ lives. What I’ve done for many years for my patients, I now do for my clients.

As a physician, I experienced firsthand the impact financial challenges had on my patients’ health.

There was a direct correlation between my patient’s ill health and financial stress. While I was able to help ease many of my patients’ symptoms, now I am able to address one of the main roots of the problem.

Today, I give my clients the same attention my patients enjoyed. I don’t want to just talk about your financial situation, I want to talk about your hopes and your dreams. I want to understand where you’ve come from, what your values are, where you are headed and how I can help you get there. Based on the principles of vision, faith, and morals, I have committed myself to the following financial creed:

⇨ I will not dictate to you, I will listen to you.

⇨ I will not hide information from you, I will educate you.

⇨ I will not sell to you, I will consult with you.

⇨ I will not advise you based on my financial gain, I will advise you based on yours.

Today, I live by this creed and remain committed to being in the service of humanity, once as a People Doctor and now as Your MoneyDr.